

Name: Valentine
Author: Popovich Yu. V.
Ripening time: isp
Bunch weight: 700-900 g
Berry weight: 7-9 g
Taste: muscat
Frost resistance: -24
Seedling price: 200 UAH
Cutting price: 100 UAH

Form for real gourmets. It has a rich nutmeg and attractive external data. This seedling (2K) was selected from Yuri Vasilievich Popovich for its resistance to cracking and fungal diseases. Valentine (named after Yu. V. Popovich's granddaughter) turns bright pink, which does not darken when the berries are kept on the bushes. The flower is bisexual. Very early ripening of the vine. The load is high and stable, 2 inflorescences per shoot. The bunch is quite loose up to a kilogram. The berry is fleshy and crispy. Showed excellent results without shelter for the winter.

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