
Prime seedless

Name: Prime seedless
Author: Israel
Ripening time: very early
Bunch weight: 500-700 g
Berry weight: 6-8 g
Taste: light muscat
Frost resistance: under study
Seedling price: 500 UAH
Cutting price: 250 UAH

New Israeli sultana Prime Sidlis of very early ripening. Productivity is high and stable, it produces 3 inflorescences per shoot. It is not demanding when it comes to pruning; you can even cut it into horns.
The bunch is beautifully made, weighing 500-700 g without excess density. The berry is round-oval yellow in color, weighing 6-8 g. The pulp is fleshy-dense, the taste is pleasant, light nutmeg. Consistently high class of seedlessness. During the test, no cracking of the berries was observed. Transportability is high, the berries adhere tightly to the stalk.

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